Saturday 16 February 2013


As the lecture started, the first word that attracted to me was the word COLOURS instead of the other few words that appear on the slide. Colours bring out the life of an object from what I think. Apparently, most people do not know that colours play an important role in their lives. Such as choosing clothes, choosing accessories or even, choosing technology gadgets. There are some experts who studies about colours that shows us how colours are formed. Their studies let us know more about colours. However, if you're looking from the colour spectrum, we understand that colours differ from one another and the three main colours are Red, Green and Blue. 

The colour that I favour most would be red colour. Why would I choose red out of the other colours? Personally, I like red is because like what was mentioned during the lecture, red gives out the meaning of life. As what we all know, blood is red and blood is what circulates in our body that makes us alive. Hence, red gives me the feeling of lifelines. 

Besides that, most of the things that I have are mostly in red. It just so happen that the things I like are in red. Funny how when I go shopping, I would turn to buy red items. Like for instance, when there are a few different colours of that particular item, other colours attracts me but I would end up buying red. To me, red also symbolizes prosperity. Despite the fact that red is commonly used during Chinese New Year, red does symbolize prosperity. In what sense you might ask. Well, red enhances the object which means, it stands out the most. Other than that, red also symbolizes a sense of attractiveness. For example, if you'd ask me to pick a red or black dress, I'd instantly choose the red dress because it has a sense of attractiveness. I’m pretty sure a lot of people would like to wear red compared to the common black to be attractive. 

Somehow to me, red is the most outstanding colour to me. What I know about red is that red is a symbol of love. Love can mean a lot of thing. It can be passion, adoration, affection and emotion. And to use a colour to represent love, red is the most suitable colour. Therefore, red is my favorite colour. For instance, most donation drives we see, use the colour red in their logos and what is being displayed. This would attract people’s attention and they would instantly think that it’s about life and hence, it shows love or sympathy. 

In conclusion, my favorite colour red symbolizes many things. However, at times, red does not appeal to me because other colours are more suitable. 

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