Friday 22 March 2013

Art Movements

According to Wikipedia, there are many types of art movements available ever since back in the olden days. There were many art theories that were developed over time. And now, in the 21st century, there are more than 200 over art movements that have been existed and still are now. The history of art movements includes many that were either short-lived or limited to few active participants. 

Which art movement best describes you?
I’ve begun to study the Impressionism and I find it interesting. Well, I was fascinated by this art movement and the paintings of some Impressionist; they convey intense emotions through a deep sensitivity.

For example, this paintings has become one of my favorites. It’s “Classe de danse” by Edgar Degas. The other reason that this painting is my favorite is that through this painting, you can see that the seriousness of the guy(most a visitor) is looking at all the dancers' face after they had their dance practice. Other than that is that, the details the painter included. You can see that through this painting, the dancers are ballerina and they are all on point shoes. Besides that, the other reason for me liking this painting is, I myself is a dancer and love to dance. Ultimately, this painting indeed has attracted me to like it.
Here's a list of a few famous Impressionist artists: Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Mary Cassat and Gustave Callibotte.

Besides impressionism, another art movement that describes me is, surrealism. Surrealism seems to be an art that is the least easy to understand by most people but however, to me, surrealism really does describe me. Surrealism arts seem to be a complicated and complex painting. That's how it describes me. I am a complicated yet a complex person. The artists that have been produced painting using surrealism technique really tell a story through their painting very well. I find most of the surrealism arts has a a contrast in it whereby a picture of a girl being sad is surrounded by lights and flowers. You can tell that the picture is saying that the girl is sad but however, she is indeed surrounded by happiness. That's how surrealism art describes about me too. Surrealism is often considered both a cultural and revolutionary art movement.
Undoubtedly the most famous Surrealist painting in history, The Persistence of Memory is Salvador Dali’s iconic ode to time. 

Here are also a few names of famous surrealism artists: Salvador Deli and Rene Magritte.

Ultimately, these two art movements describe about my personality. I wish art can be developed and be appreciated by many people. Hence, the olden arts will not extinct. 

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