Friday 12 April 2013

Final Artwork

The impact of social media nowadays is really huge. For example, let’s take a look at Facebook. News spread so fast in a split second because of the convenience the technology has made. Information posted on Facebook can spread really fast and to a huge audience of different geography and demography.

Though social media has brought the society conveniences to obtain information and news far from our reach, social media has caused some issues. Social media issue is considered as one of the most critical issues among the society as the technology advances. The reason is because most of the people in the 21st century are connected to the media especially online media and that leads the people to voice out their opinion easily such as using Twitter and Facebook. With that situation, it causes certain issues especially issues on the government because it is seen as an act of damaging the image of the country.

Not only that, social media has made an impact to the people to become an anti-socialist. Like mentioned previously, most people are connected to the media and thus, people will be using the media more often than doing something else. Ultimately, the impact seen is social media kills time.

From the research I’ve made, I find that social media kills time is one of the legitimate issue. Hence, I’ve made my artwork based on this issue.

Throughout this project, I’ve learned that the Malay phrase “Sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit” is true. 

Artist Statement:
“In this artwork, I’ve used a clock to represent the time as time is my main idea. I’ve located the clock at the center to show the main idea and it’s surrounded by weapons such as rocket, bombs, crocodile mouth, revolver and poisonous bottle. This is to show that how the impact of social media is to the society. I have also used purple as my background because I think it shows a contrast in my artwork and gives out a gloomy feeling. This artwork includes a few different techniques of using the brush tools and other techniques of using Adobe Photoshop CS6”.


Tuesday 26 March 2013

22nd March 2013; Class Field Trip

Trip to Central Market, Kuala Lumpur

Going for this trip was really an eye opening experience for me. I managed to get a glimpse of how wonderful Malaysia's art is.

First of all, a few friends and I went to Petaling Street to have lunch. It makes me feel nostalgic because I used to go there most of the time after school. Most importantly it shows the wonder of Malaysia.
After being at Petaling Street, my friends and I went over to Central Market where all the students have to gather.
Once we were there, we met up with some other classmates. We then met up with Mr. Khairul. We were then briefed on what we're suppose to do and take notice.

When I was there at the art section of Central Market, the place really amazed me. I never knew such place exist in Central Market. Although I've been there a few times before but I've never come across this place, the Art Section.Mr. Khairul had mentioned that this area shows many local arts. From batik to sand arts and live caricature. It impresses me how Malaysian artist still have a sense of patriotism. They imply that value in their artwork. At this particular shop, an artist name Nik, while passing by his shop, he was actually doing his work on a house plan. He was telling my friends and I about his work and also he told us about how art is really an expensive thing. Also he gave some advises about what the younger generations should do. He asked us what course are we studying. Then he told us that we should do what benefits us in the future but we should enjoy during the process. That's only how we can achieve happiness in life. The words he said still lingers around in my mind wondering what I should really be doing now and how my life would be in 5 more years. 

Also, I saw a live demonstration of sand arts. A young lady demonstrated it and it grab the passers-by attention. The lady was so concentrated on doing the sand art but however, she smile at times. That makes me feel like art is something to be enjoyed by everyone and you should enjoy your own talent too. Being an artist really is all about expressing yourself simply and being an artist is born natural. 

Throughtout the trip, seeing all the arts in Central Market makes me feel like our local artist are doing a great job. Without them, the Malaysian art will probably decay. However, the Central Market now is not like the one I used to know. The Central Market now is more well developed and there are more modern stuff instead of portraying our local arts and handmade crafts. 

Friday 22 March 2013

Art Movements

According to Wikipedia, there are many types of art movements available ever since back in the olden days. There were many art theories that were developed over time. And now, in the 21st century, there are more than 200 over art movements that have been existed and still are now. The history of art movements includes many that were either short-lived or limited to few active participants. 

Which art movement best describes you?
I’ve begun to study the Impressionism and I find it interesting. Well, I was fascinated by this art movement and the paintings of some Impressionist; they convey intense emotions through a deep sensitivity.

For example, this paintings has become one of my favorites. It’s “Classe de danse” by Edgar Degas. The other reason that this painting is my favorite is that through this painting, you can see that the seriousness of the guy(most a visitor) is looking at all the dancers' face after they had their dance practice. Other than that is that, the details the painter included. You can see that through this painting, the dancers are ballerina and they are all on point shoes. Besides that, the other reason for me liking this painting is, I myself is a dancer and love to dance. Ultimately, this painting indeed has attracted me to like it.
Here's a list of a few famous Impressionist artists: Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Mary Cassat and Gustave Callibotte.

Besides impressionism, another art movement that describes me is, surrealism. Surrealism seems to be an art that is the least easy to understand by most people but however, to me, surrealism really does describe me. Surrealism arts seem to be a complicated and complex painting. That's how it describes me. I am a complicated yet a complex person. The artists that have been produced painting using surrealism technique really tell a story through their painting very well. I find most of the surrealism arts has a a contrast in it whereby a picture of a girl being sad is surrounded by lights and flowers. You can tell that the picture is saying that the girl is sad but however, she is indeed surrounded by happiness. That's how surrealism art describes about me too. Surrealism is often considered both a cultural and revolutionary art movement.
Undoubtedly the most famous Surrealist painting in history, The Persistence of Memory is Salvador Dali’s iconic ode to time. 

Here are also a few names of famous surrealism artists: Salvador Deli and Rene Magritte.

Ultimately, these two art movements describe about my personality. I wish art can be developed and be appreciated by many people. Hence, the olden arts will not extinct. 

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Class Field Trip to National Art Gallery

As what the title of this post says, on the 26th February 2013, the class went on a class field trip. The place where we went was at Tun Razak. We were asked to gather at 2pm at the entrance.

Anyway, while seeing the place getting nearer visually, the place itself looks pretty normal. Just like a normal building. Nothing special but just normal. The Istana Budaya building is much more outstanding than the art gallery. However, like the saying, "Do not judge a book by it's cover". It sure is true.
Although the building looks normal but the inside is like Narnia. Amazing arts are all in there.

The first place when I got into the building was the first floor. Over there, there were a lot of paintings which consist of local artists.
The lighting in the art room makes the place more alive and the ambiance of the room makes me feel like it's such an amazing place. However, in my own opinion, I think if they played some mellow music. it would have enhance a better experience for visitors. 

Anyway, during the trip, I find that it is important to showcase to the world about our local Malaysian artist. I know there are few famous artists that are well-known but somehow I feel like most of the artists are underrated. Most of the local arts has a sense of the local taste/feel. That gives a better impression towards people outside of Malaysia. Through the paintings/arts, people can tell that Malaysia has something different. Something unique. Hence, I strongly agree that local artists should showcase their artworks to the world. 

Besides that, it is utterly important to showcase all of their artworks because being an artist is a gift from the above. So, they should be given a chance to showcase their artworks. 

During the trip to the National Art Gallery, I find that I was attracted to this painting called "Tak Pernah Kenyang". It's a picture of a few men dining on a table full of food along with some empty plates. However, the details in the painting are so precise and it does show a sense of Malaysia where you can see "Tongkat Ali" bottles and a few local brand items. That is why I find that this painting is unique and has caught my attention. Besides that, there is also a story behind the painting in my opinion. This painting tells the people that these men are enjoying their meal laughing and eating good foods. Nonetheless, the painting shows that these few men are greedy because most of them are already full but still wants to eat more. The title of the painting itself tells us about the painting. 

Saturday 16 February 2013


As the lecture started, the first word that attracted to me was the word COLOURS instead of the other few words that appear on the slide. Colours bring out the life of an object from what I think. Apparently, most people do not know that colours play an important role in their lives. Such as choosing clothes, choosing accessories or even, choosing technology gadgets. There are some experts who studies about colours that shows us how colours are formed. Their studies let us know more about colours. However, if you're looking from the colour spectrum, we understand that colours differ from one another and the three main colours are Red, Green and Blue. 

The colour that I favour most would be red colour. Why would I choose red out of the other colours? Personally, I like red is because like what was mentioned during the lecture, red gives out the meaning of life. As what we all know, blood is red and blood is what circulates in our body that makes us alive. Hence, red gives me the feeling of lifelines. 

Besides that, most of the things that I have are mostly in red. It just so happen that the things I like are in red. Funny how when I go shopping, I would turn to buy red items. Like for instance, when there are a few different colours of that particular item, other colours attracts me but I would end up buying red. To me, red also symbolizes prosperity. Despite the fact that red is commonly used during Chinese New Year, red does symbolize prosperity. In what sense you might ask. Well, red enhances the object which means, it stands out the most. Other than that, red also symbolizes a sense of attractiveness. For example, if you'd ask me to pick a red or black dress, I'd instantly choose the red dress because it has a sense of attractiveness. I’m pretty sure a lot of people would like to wear red compared to the common black to be attractive. 

Somehow to me, red is the most outstanding colour to me. What I know about red is that red is a symbol of love. Love can mean a lot of thing. It can be passion, adoration, affection and emotion. And to use a colour to represent love, red is the most suitable colour. Therefore, red is my favorite colour. For instance, most donation drives we see, use the colour red in their logos and what is being displayed. This would attract people’s attention and they would instantly think that it’s about life and hence, it shows love or sympathy. 

In conclusion, my favorite colour red symbolizes many things. However, at times, red does not appeal to me because other colours are more suitable.